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Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
163 lines
// GEMrawobject
// A GEMrawobject is a C++ version of the standard GEM "OBJECT". It is
// constructed to have an identical bit image to that object, and as
// such is only intended as a bridge between the fixed-sized objects
// of GEM to the variable-sized objects we need for an Object Oriented
// class hierarchy. There is no point deriving from a GEMrawobject,
// since GEM forms are still only arrays of OBJECTs.
// This file is Copyright 1992,1993 by Warwick W. Allison.
// This file is part of the gem++ library.
// You are free to copy and modify these sources, provided you acknowledge
// the origin by retaining this notice, and adhere to the conditions
// described in the file COPYING.LIB.
#ifndef GEMrawo_h
#define GEMrawo_h
#include <bool.h>
#include <gemfast.h>
class GEMobject;
class GEMrawobject : private OBJECT
// Since GEMrawobject is derived from OBJECT, and has no new data fields
// or virtual member functions (necessary?), it should be bit-compatible.
// The best thing to do with a GEMrawobject is Cook it.
// Cook() returns 0 if no GEMobject has been declared for this object.
GEMobject* Cook();
GEMrawobject() { }
// The top two flag bits define whether a GEMrawobject needs to
// have a new copy of the object-specific data.
// If the object is EDITABLE, the logic below is negated, that is
// ob_spec data is copied by default - setting bits negates the effect.
// Strings and BITBLKs with flag 15 or 14 set are copied.
// ICONBLKs with flag 15 is set have the icon text copied.
// ICONBLKs with flag 14 is set have the icon image copied.
GEMrawobject(const GEMrawobject&);
// The following are methods suited to different styles
// Note that the "void" procedure could return the old value, but
// this seems dangerous, as they would be too similar to the
// other inspection-only parameterless methods.
// Too many choices?
bool Selected(bool s) { return State(SELECTED,s); }
bool Selected() const { return States(SELECTED); }
void Select() { Selected(TRUE); }
void Deselect() { Selected(FALSE); }
bool Crossed(bool s) { return State(CROSSED,s); }
bool Crossed() const { return States(CROSSED); }
void Cross() { Crossed(TRUE); }
void Uncross() { Crossed(FALSE); }
bool Checked(bool s) { return State(CHECKED,s); }
bool Checked() const { return States(CHECKED); }
void Check() { Checked(TRUE); }
void Uncheck() { Checked(FALSE); }
bool Disabled(bool s) { return State(DISABLED,s); }
bool Disabled() const { return States(DISABLED); }
void Disable() { Disabled(TRUE); }
void Enable() { Disabled(FALSE); }
bool Outlined(bool s) { return State(OUTLINED,s); }
bool Outlined() const { return States(OUTLINED); }
void Outline() { Outlined(TRUE); }
void Unoutline() { Outlined(FALSE); }
bool Shadowed(bool s) { return State(SHADOWED,s); }
bool Shadowed() const { return States(SHADOWED); }
void Shadow() { Shadowed(TRUE); }
void Unshadow() { Shadowed(FALSE); }
bool Selectable(bool f) { return Flag(SELECTABLE,f); }
bool Selectable() const { return Flags(SELECTABLE); }
bool Default(bool f) { return Flag(DEFAULT,f); }
bool Default() const { return Flags(DEFAULT); }
bool Exit(bool f) { return Flag(EXIT,f); }
bool Exit() const { return Flags(EXIT); }
bool Editable(bool f) { return Flag(EDITABLE,f); }
bool Editable() const { return Flags(EDITABLE); }
bool RadioButton(bool f) { return Flag(RBUTTON,f); }
bool RadioButton() const { return Flags(RBUTTON); }
bool LastObject(bool f) { return Flag(LASTOB,f); }
bool LastObject() const { return Flags(LASTOB); }
bool TouchExit(bool f) { return Flag(TOUCHEXIT,f); }
bool TouchExit() const { return Flags(TOUCHEXIT); }
bool HideTree(bool f) { return Flag(HIDETREE,f); }
bool HideTree() const { return Flags(HIDETREE); }
bool Indirect(bool f) { return Flag(INDIRECT,f); }
bool Indirect() const { return Flags(INDIRECT); }
int Head() const { return ob_head; }
int Tail() const { return ob_tail; }
int Next() const { return ob_next; }
unsigned long ObjectSpecific() const;
void ObjectSpecific(unsigned long l);
int Type() const { return ob_type&0xff; }
int ExtType() const { return ob_type>>8; }
void Type(int t) { ob_type=ob_type&0xff00|t; }
void ExtType(int t) { ob_type=ob_type&0x00ff|(t<<8); }
void MoveTo(short x, short y) { ob_x=x; ob_y=y; }
void MoveBy(short x, short y) { ob_x+=x; ob_y+=y; }
short States() const { return ob_state; }
short Flags() const { return ob_flags; }
short X() const { return ob_x; }
short Y() const { return ob_y; }
void Resize(short w, short h) { ob_width=w; ob_height=h; }
short Width() const { return ob_width; }
short Height() const { return ob_height; }
char* ImageBitmap(bool Mask=FALSE) const;
short ImageHeight() const;
short ImageWidth() const;
void SetImageBitmap(char* bitmap, short w, short h, bool Mask=FALSE);
char* Text() const;
void SetText(char* str);
int FillPattern() const;
void FillPattern(int);
bool Transparent() const;
void Transparent(bool);
int Font() const;
void Font(int font);
int ForeCol() const;
void ForeCol(int colourindex);
int BackCol() const;
void BackCol(int colourindex);
int BorderCol() const;
void BorderCol(int colourindex);
int BorderWidth() const;
void BorderWidth(int width);
bool State(short s, bool on) { bool t=ob_state&s; if (on)
ob_state|=s; else ob_state&=~s; return !!t; }
bool States(short s) const { return !!(ob_state&s); }
bool Flag(short f, bool on) { bool t=ob_flags&f; if (on)
ob_flags|=f; else ob_flags&=~f; return !!t;}
bool Flags(short f) const { return !!(ob_flags&f); }